Legal Notice

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You are connected to the official website of ESCP, Etablissement d'Enseignement Supérieur Consulaire (EESC), Consular non-profit Institution of Higher Education, capitalized at 8.694.000 euros and registered at the trade company register of Paris under the number 824 644 587.

Headquarters located at 3, rue Armand Moisant 75015 Paris.

Publication Director: the Dean.


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Amazon Web Services Ireland Limited, One Burlington Plaza, Burlington Road, Dublin 4, Ireland 


This site has been registered with the CNIL, France's data protection authority, in accordance with the country's Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties Law no. 2004-801 of 6 August 2004, amending Law no. 78-17 relating to information technology, data and civil liberties. Registration no.: 702526.

Protection of Personal Data

A Data Protection Officer was appointed in order to ensure compliance with the EU and national data protection regulations.
Contact address:

This site conforms to the following standards:

  • No personal information is collected without your knowledge;
  • No personal information is passed on to any third parties;
  • No personal information is used for any purposes other than those indicated.

In accordance with the law of 6 January 1978 related to data processing, files and liberties, you have a right to access, modify, oppose and delete your personal data by writing to the following address:

  • By post: SERVICE DATA PROTECTION OFFICER – ESCP, 3, rue Armand Moisant, 75015 Paris
  • By e-mail:


A cookie is a data placed on the hard disk by the server of ESCP’s websites. This data may be stored on thedata subject’s terminal in a simple text file, to which a server accesses to read and record information.

ESCP’s websites can only read or write cookies that belong to them. These cookies allow in particular to:

  • Recognize the browser during the visit(s);
  • Link an action to the provision of the requested service;
  • Record the language spoken or other preferences needed to provide the requested service;
  • Ensure load balancing and manage traffic;
  • Follow the website audience;
  • Develop statistical analyses
  • Suggest commercial offers related or not to your interests


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Other usage

For any other usage, please contact the site manager webmestre.
All trademarks and logos mentioned on this website are the property of their respective owners.
For any remark relating to the operation of the site, contact the web administrator webmestre.

Compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which took effect on 25 May 2018 (Regulation 2016/679):

ESCP Personal Data Protection Policy Politique de Protection des données personnelles à ESCP
GDPR, logo